Saturday, August 25, 2012

aug 27-31

Another expectation...... sorry, I abhor (ACT word) them, too.

If you are on the computer, and you are not working on an assignment, have your folder with you and sketch from the computer as you are doing whatever you are doing.  Put dates on your sketches.

Remember, you can also sketch images from your phones.

Today: sketches from computer

Last call for returning signed forms:
Safety rules
Permanent zero after this week.

ACT words

LAW. Read LAW Standard 6, under the assignments columns on the right of the blog.

On 8.5 x 11 paper, sketch your design. Go over it with me.

Sketch your design onto pasteup board.

Completed: Collect at least 20 magazine images for collage.
Zero if not done.

Although we are not yet ready to pasteup the collage, here are the objectives and how you will receive your grade for standards mastery. 

Objectives, specifications, and criteria. Here is how you will be graded:
1. Collage contains a theme or concept that you are communicating. If you cannot decode on a theme, you collage could reflect your personality. (20 points)
2. Collage has at least 20 images. (20 points)
3. Collage exhibits the principle of design emphasis (20 points)
4. Image are pasted down flat, no edges curl up or are torn. (20 points)
5. Collage shows repetition and pattern (20 points)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

aug 20-24

LAW. Read LAW Standard 6, under the assignments columns on the right of the blog.

Retake Computer Safety quiz if needed.

Retake Classroom Safety quiz if needed. 

Search Collage to get ideas not try Google images. 

Sketch two collages for possible ideas for your layout. 

Check this link out:

Collect at least 20 magazine images for collage.

Save them in your folder.

Although we are not yet ready to pasteup the collage, here are the objectives and how you will receive your grade for standards mastery. 

Objectives, specifications, and criteria. Here is how you will be graded:

1. Collage contains a theme or concept that you are communicating. If you cannot decode on a theme, you collage could reflect your personality. (20 points)

2. Collage has at least 20 images. (20 points)

3. Collage exhibits the principle of design emphasis (20 points)
4. Image are pasted down flat, no edges curl up or are torn. (20 points)
5. Collage shows repetition and pattern (20 points)

Literacy Standard 6. Digital Design Standard 7.

Literacy Standard 6

Analyze The Author’s Purpose In Providing An Explanation, Describing A Procedure, Or Discussing An Experiment In A Text, Defining The Questions The Author Seeks To Address.

Our Procedure is Art Criticism
Art criticism involves a specific way of looking at a work of art. You can make judgement about art without being a professional artist, all you need to do is learn to look (see) and think about what you are seeing. Critiquing a work of art is like playing detective. You must assume that the artist has a secret message hidden.

We will apply this using a famous painting, titled Guernica, by Pablo Picasso.

Read the information on Art Criticism

Assessment for literacy standard 6
Answer these questions

1. The purpose the writer had in mind in this article is
a. To provide a framework or guide for understanding and evaluating a work of art
b. Give you the knowledge to become an art critic for a newspaper
c. To help you determine why  a work of art is considered important
d. Both a and c are correct. 

2. Describing what you see in a work of art involves
a. Expressing how it makes you feel
b. Objectively describing objects in the painting, including shapes, lines, and colors.
c. Guessing what the artist had in mind
d. Listing only color

3. Analyzing the artwork includes
a. an an in-depth examination of how the technical elements were utilized by the artist to create the overall impression conveyed by the artwork.
b.Shapes, forms and lines
c.How each technical element contributes to the mood, meaning and aesthetic sensation of the artwork
d. all of the above

4. Interpreting the artwork means
a. determining the nationality of the artist
b. deciding what you think the intended purpose of the artist was
c. estimating the cost of the artwork in today’s economy
d. if the art is real or a forgery

5. When you evaluate the artwork, you should
a. decide if it is good or bad depending on the artist’s purpose
b. Describe the artwork's relevance to the art community and to people as a whole
c. Explain where you feel the artwork has strong value and where you think it falls short.
d. all of the above

Art criticism steps
Describe: List exactly what you see

Analyze: How are the art elements such as line, shape, color and texture organized?

Interpret: What is the artist trying to communicate? Make guesses that are supported by what you see in the work. Your interpretation can be based on your feelings, but must be backed by the visual facts and clues you collected when you were describing and analyzing. 

Is the artwork successful because....... circle one category.

1. Imitationalism/Realism - The artist rendered the images in a realistic manner. It is easy to discern the subject because of the realistic quality of the art.

2. Formalism/Composition - The artist was adept in using the elements and principles of design in the artwork. (This also refers to the placement, contrast, and interaction of all parts of the work.)

3. Emotionalism/Feelings - The artist did a good job of evoking an emotion or feeling from me.

Technological advances
Picasso created this artwork using oil paint on a very large canvas. Considering all the technologies a visual artist now has, what is another way he could have created the art

Thursday, August 16, 2012

classroom safety test review

Digital Arts & Design 1, 2 & 3
Safety Test NOTE: Test must be passed with 100% accuracy
Multiple choice: Circle the letter beside the statement or phrase which best completes the
following statement.
1. Food, soft drinks and other liquids are
a. permitted when you are working on a classroom computer.
b. not permitted when you are working on a classroom computer.
c. not hazardous around a computer

2. Tossing or throwing items such as pencils, erasers, and paper is
a. OK as long as you are away from other students
b. never permitted in the classroom

3. You should never make contact with electrical items such as cords, keyboards, etc.
a. when your hands are wet
b. if the cords show exposed wires
c. both a & b are correct

4. All tools or equipment used in this class
a. may be used with no regard to bodily harm
b. could cause injury if used incorrectly or inappropriately
c. made of soft material

5. When using X-acto knives for cutting at a drawing table, a piece of matboard, railroad
board, or other similar substance should be
a. placed between the item you are cutting and your wooden desktop
b. used to block shadows
c. ignored

6. Inhaling the fumes of spray fixative, rubber cement, or rubber cement thinner could
a. be toxic and hazardous to one's health
b. lead to respiratory problems
c. both a & b are possible

7. The letters OSHA stand for
a. Office of Senator Hospital Association
b. Open Source Hypertext Affiliates
c. Occupational Safety and Health Administration

8. Running, pushing, and shoving are________ permitted in the classroom since such
actions _________cause injury.
a. always never
b. not may
c. often might not

9.In case of a fire alarm or other situation requiring that you leave the school building, you
a. walk out the door, turn left, and find the nearest exit
b. walk out the door, turn right, exit the door in front of you and assemble in the
parking lot
c. run quickly out the door and call for help

10. If your seat or desk seems damaged or in disrepair, you should
a. ignore it until it breaks
b. report the problem immediately to the instructor
c. attempt to fix the problem yourself

11. When using Xacto knives, mat knives, scissors, paper cutters and other sharp
instruments, you should
a. use extreme caution since severe injury can occur
b. always cut away from your body and hands
c. be sure blades are in proper condition
d. all of the above

12. Which of the following items are flammable:
a. rubber cement
b. rubber cement thinner
c. spray fixative
d. all of the above

13. When using spray fixative on an item of artwork, you should
a. spray the item at your desk
b. go into the storage room, close the door tightly and spray the item
c. spray the item outdoors or in an area with open ventilation

14. Any accidents or injuries occurring in the classroom
a. should be reported to the instructor immediately
b. require that an accident report be filed
c. may seem minor but could become serious if left untreated
d. all of the above

15. Complete the correct name, phone number, and address of the individual(s) to contact
in case you have an emergency:
Phone: (Work) (Home)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

LAW Standard 1 assignment

LAW Assignment

Standard 1
Cite Specific Textual Evidence To Support Analysis Of Science And Technical Texts, While Attending To The Precise Details Of Explanations Or Descriptions.

  • I can find specific details and examples which support the main idea.
  • I can find evidence in the exact words of the reading.
  • I can draw my own conclusions about this evidence.

Read this article.

link to text for reading:


1. If you are drawing a face, what is the basic shape you should begin with?
a. A rectangle
b. A circle
c. An oval
d. A triangle

2.  Generally, what is the shape of an eye?
a. Round
b. Almond
c. A perfect circle
d. A cylinder

3. After you have drawn the basic shape of the face, what are the measurements should you use to divide this shape?
a. Anything works
b. Thirds
c. ½ vertically and ¼ horizontally
d. ½ vertically and ½ horizontally

4. About how much space, horizontally,  is there between a person's two eyes.
a. 3 inches
b. The width of an eye
c. The distance from the nose to the chin
d. The same distance as the height of an ear.

5. How to you determine where the bottom of the nose should be placed?
a. It's usually  above the mouth
b. It's the width of an eye, turned vertically
c. If you divide the bottom half of the face in half again, the base of the nose should be drawn there.
d. There is no guide for this

Friday, August 10, 2012

photoshop tools

Thursday, August 2, 2012

employability rubric