Sunday, November 10, 2019

make up work instructions for failing grades # v2

Hillwood High School
Stephen Campbell
Makeup work for grade change
Rev 11_15_19

Online link: 

In the make up work column, click on the make up work link.

Follow the directions you find there. 

If you have a failing grade in photography or digital art, here is a description of what
you should do for each assignment grade you would like to improve.

For photography, you will take digital photos and submit digital typewritten reports.
Attach the photo as a JPEG file and the typewritten report as a text file and
email your work to

For digital art, you will draw images (pencil or pen is fine) on paper and turn
them in as 8.5 x11 inch hard copies, as well as submitting digital typewritten reports.
Attach the typewritten report as a text file and email your work to

Assignment: For each grade you would like to improve, complete the following: 1.A photo or drawing for each grade you want to improve. Attach the photo to an email and turn in the drawing as a hard copy.
 2.An email.  To 
 In the body of an email, type your first name, last name and block Also type the title of your course Type the name of the assignment you are making up See email sample below 3.Pick one of the art elements or principles of design (see below) for each
assignment you want to improve. For example, if you need to improve three
grades, you must complete three separate makeup assignments. One makeup=one improved grade.
 4.Illustrate the meaning of the art element or design principle by
taking a photograph for photography and creating a drawing for art. In other words,
if you choose the art element line and  you are in photography, you would take a
photograph that communicates the definition of line. In art, you would make a
drawing composed of only lines.
 5.When you have picked your art element or principle of design,
create an email. Address the email to
In the body of the email, type your first name, last name, your block,
the title of your course, and the name of the assignment y
ou are making up as it appears in Infinite Campus.
 6.Next type the name and definition of the art element or principle of design.
Then, write a minimum three sentence or  maximum three paragraph essay
explaining how the photo or drawing you have created illustrates the definition
of the art element or design principle vocabulary term. 
 7.If you have chosen a photograph, attach it as a JPEG to the email.
 8.If you have chosen a drawing, turn it in as a hard copy
when you send your email. 
 Here is how you will be graded. 90 point maximum grade. 1.Have you taken and turned in a photograph or completed a drawing? 20 points maximum 2.Does the photograph or drawing illustrate the meaning of the art element or principle? 20 points maximum
 3.Does the art or photograph follow the rules of good composition and demonstrate effort and thought? 30 points maximum
 4.Is the email correct? 10 points maximum
 5.Is the essay well written and meets all requirements (see item 6, above) 10 points maximum.

art elements and principles of design