1. Open Photoshop
2. File>New
3. Name: Mathematical Cultures
4. Document size
Width: 8 inches
Height: 10 inches
Resolution: 100
5. Go to Window
Application Frame
6. In the document application bar, check Auto Select>Layer
7. File>Save
8. Type in title and text or place photos
Arranging words and pictures in a design layout is easy with a grid
To make guidelines.
click on images for larger view
Go to the ruler on the left, click, hold and drag a guideline in a few inches. Drag another in a few inches.
Go to the ruler on the top, click, hold and drag a guideline down a few inches. Drag another down a few inches.
The guidelines on your document are create what is called a grid. The grid is a great way to decide where to place images and text in a layout.
To select rectangles in grid
Go to the Rectangular Marquee Tool.
Click, hold and drag to make a selection in one rectangular grid area.
You can either fill this rectangle in with color or place a photo in it.
Go to Select>Deselect after you fill in the selected area.
Be sure all resizing is in proportion by pressing and holding the shift key as you drag from a corner.
If you do not see a corner, go to View>Fit on Screen
If you do not see a corner, go to View>Fit on Screen
8. Save the document as a JPEG.
How to cut out part of a photo:
Copy your photo into the Photoshop document
If the photo has an X across it, click the check mark or press Return
Be sure you are on the layer you want to edit
Go to Layer>Rasterize>All layers
Go to the Rectangular Marquee tool
Select the area you want to edit and click, hold and drag to select it
Go to Select>Inverse
Press delete
Go to Select>Deselect
Other help links
resizing_click and scroll down to copy and scale