Monday, July 5, 2010

exam study sheet

For the exam, know that.....

The two visual tools a graphic designer uses to communicate messages to an audience are words and images (also.....type and photos).

Products a graphic designer might create are: Billboards, Posters, Logos, Advertisements, Brochures, Magazines/book covers, Newspapers/newsletters, Product packaging, Websites or interactive media, T.V. commercials/graphics, Signage/exhibits, Film and video graphics, Computer graphics
For the exam, know the following safety information:

Food, soft drinks and other liquids are not permitted when you are working on a classroom computer.

Tossing or throwing items such as pencils, erasers, and paper is not permitted in the classroom.

You should never make contact with electrical items such as cords, keyboards, etc. when your hands are wet.
Inhaling the fumes of spray fixative, rubber cement, or rubber cement thinner can be toxic and hazardous to one’s health.

When using Xacto knives, mat knives, scissors, paper cutters, tape dispensers and other sharp instruments, you should
• use extreme caution since severe injury can occur
• always cut away from your body and hands
• be sure blades and equipment are in proper condition
• notify the instructor if you notice any possible dangers or hazards in the classroom

Rubber cement, rubber cement thinner, and spray fixative are flammable and should never be inhaled. Be sure that these materials and substances are always used in an area with proper ventilation.
Any accidents or injuries occurring in the classroom should be reported to the instructor immediately and require that an accident report is filed.

For the exam, know the following Photoshop information:

To move type or shapes on a layer you should select the desired layer and select the Move Tool on the Tools Palette

To create the correct Photoshop workspace for this class, go to Workspace>Window>Default Workspace

To type words on a new Photoshop layer, select the Typing Tool and click once in the document window

To resize type or custom shapes, go to Edit>Free Transform (or Edit>Transform)

When you have resized type, click on the check mark in the Photoshop Options Bar to Apply the Transformation

To add a layer style, go to Layer>Layer Style

An “active” layer in Photoshop is highlighted in blue

Know this in connection with our blog:
The main blog address for this class is

From that address, look in the links for help column and go to:

Study the following posts for exam questions:
photoshop default settings
photoshop basic tools
custom shape tool
typing in photoshop
Several questions will come from these posts

Know this about SkillsUSA
SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled work force.

Be able to name one photography career.
The careers are:
Wedding Photographer
Portrait Photographer
Studio Photographer

Know how to create and name a new folder on the desktop

Know how to open Photoshop and create a Photoshop document correctly
In a new Photoshop document, you will be asked to:
Use the Custom Shape Tool
Create new layers for each Custom Shape
Type words on a layer
Make the words you type a specific typeface, type size, and color
Add layer styles to type or a custom shape
Add color to the background layer

Sunday, July 4, 2010

introduction to photoshop

In Safari go to Bookmark>Add Bookmark>Bookmarks Bar

What I want you to know (or do)

1. How to open Photoshop
2. How to set the Default Workspace
3. How to create and save a new Photoshop document
4. Become familiar with basic Photoshop tools


You can click on each image to make it larger.

Scroll down to "how to create a new file and save it". Create a new file and save it according to directions. Save this assignment as "your first name & last name _intro to photoshop". For example "steve campbell_intro to photoshop". Save onto the desktop.

Scroll down to "photoshop default settings".

Set Photoshop to the Default Workspace by doing one of the following:
1. In the top menu bar, go to Window>Workspace>Essentials.
2. Reset the default settings: Quit Photoshop. Restart Photoshop while holding down Command+Option+Shift. Hold these keys down until you see a window that asks "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings File? Click Yes.

Find Photoshop Basic Tools to guide you.

Click on the Move Tool in the Tools Palette. Look in the top Options Bar. Right under the word Photoshop, check Auto-Select. Click the pull down menu that says Group and select Layer.

Click and hold on the Rectangle Tool and select the Custom Shape Tool.
Click and drag in your document window to create a custom shape. Press return.

Click and hold on the Gradient Tool and select the Paint Bucket.

Click on the Swatches palette. Leave it open to select colors.

Click on the Zoom Tool. Look at the Options Bar. Are you zooming in or zooming out?
Try both. If you zoom too much, go to the Options Bar and click Fit Screen.

When you are zoomed in a few times, click on the hand in the Tools Palette. Click, hold and move the mouse.

Go to Window>Navigator. Look at the Navigator Palette. A red box shows what you are zoomed in on. Try moving the box around.

Click on the big mountain icon and the little mountain icon in the Navigator Palette. Take it to 300%. Take it to 100%.

Zoom in again in the Navigator Palette and move the red box around while you are zoomed in.

In the top Menu Bar, go to View>Fit on Screen.

Save your document.

color harmonies_photoshop

To use the Custom Shape Tool to create an image
To resize and move the image
To make a new layer for each image
To create 3 Photoshop documents that show the following color harmonies: monochromatic color, complementary colors and analogous colors.

directions for the monochromatic color scheme
open photoshop
window>workspace>default workspace for CS3 or window>workspace>essentials for CS5
go to file>new>name: type your name_monochromatic
width: 7 inches (not pixels)
height: 5 inches
resolution: 100
color mode: rgb
background contents: white
click OK

scroll down to the custom shape tool window

look right under the word "Photoshop" in the Options bar and be sure you have the correct
icon selected in your document

go back to your document & click on the new layer icon
click on the custom shape tool
pick a color from the foreground color picker on the tool palette
create a custom shape by clicking in the document and dragging
resize: go to edit>transform>scale and resize the custom shape
click the check mark when you have what you want or the cancel button if it’s not what you want.
go to file>save as
save onto desktop or in your folder
use the foreground color picker to create tints and shades of this color for the monochromatic color scheme
create and resize at least 5 custom shape layers with different tints and shades of the color
type your name and the name of the color scheme on one layer of the document
click on the red close button
save your document into your folder

directions for the complementary and analogous color schemes
follow the same sequence as above to create layers and shapes.

for the complementary color scheme, pick two colors and create the design using the two colors, plus tints and shades

for the analogous color scheme, pick three colors and create the design using the three colors, plus tints and shades