Saturday, August 11, 2012

LAW Standard 1 assignment

LAW Assignment

Standard 1
Cite Specific Textual Evidence To Support Analysis Of Science And Technical Texts, While Attending To The Precise Details Of Explanations Or Descriptions.

  • I can find specific details and examples which support the main idea.
  • I can find evidence in the exact words of the reading.
  • I can draw my own conclusions about this evidence.

Read this article.

link to text for reading:


1. If you are drawing a face, what is the basic shape you should begin with?
a. A rectangle
b. A circle
c. An oval
d. A triangle

2.  Generally, what is the shape of an eye?
a. Round
b. Almond
c. A perfect circle
d. A cylinder

3. After you have drawn the basic shape of the face, what are the measurements should you use to divide this shape?
a. Anything works
b. Thirds
c. ½ vertically and ¼ horizontally
d. ½ vertically and ½ horizontally

4. About how much space, horizontally,  is there between a person's two eyes.
a. 3 inches
b. The width of an eye
c. The distance from the nose to the chin
d. The same distance as the height of an ear.

5. How to you determine where the bottom of the nose should be placed?
a. It's usually  above the mouth
b. It's the width of an eye, turned vertically
c. If you divide the bottom half of the face in half again, the base of the nose should be drawn there.
d. There is no guide for this