Saturday, August 18, 2012

aug 20-24

LAW. Read LAW Standard 6, under the assignments columns on the right of the blog.

Retake Computer Safety quiz if needed.

Retake Classroom Safety quiz if needed. 

Search Collage to get ideas not try Google images. 

Sketch two collages for possible ideas for your layout. 

Check this link out:

Collect at least 20 magazine images for collage.

Save them in your folder.

Although we are not yet ready to pasteup the collage, here are the objectives and how you will receive your grade for standards mastery. 

Objectives, specifications, and criteria. Here is how you will be graded:

1. Collage contains a theme or concept that you are communicating. If you cannot decode on a theme, you collage could reflect your personality. (20 points)

2. Collage has at least 20 images. (20 points)

3. Collage exhibits the principle of design emphasis (20 points)
4. Image are pasted down flat, no edges curl up or are torn. (20 points)
5. Collage shows repetition and pattern (20 points)