Saturday, March 29, 2014

typography and song lyric illustration


Use different typefaces in Photoshop to illustrate the meaning of song lyrics, poetry, or a quote. See the example below. You can find your lyrics or quote, just be sure all words are appropriate. 

You may use these lyrics if you like:

“I am not a perfectionist, but still I seek perfection. I am not a great romantic, but yet I yearn 4 affection” tupac shakur

width: 10 inches 
height:10 inches
resolution: 100
color mode: rgb
background contents: white

What I want you to know or do:

1. Put all words on separate layers. 25 points
2. Have at least 12 layers. 25 points
3. The words on each layer should be different in terms of typeface and color. 25 points
4. Apply different layer styles to at least 5 layers. 25 points


4.         Students will relate and apply artistic knowledge, skills, techniques, processes
            and strategies for the creation of design, photographic, web, print, and various
            digital projects.

6.         Students will produce creative and artistically pleasing media for use in various
            applications for advertising, internet, film, entertainment, and marketing communications.

10.       Students will develop e-Skills that are flexible and evolve with the increasing demands of 
            technology developments and business needs, helping students become life-long learners.

11.       Students will demonstrate skills that are employable and desirable to a rapidly changing
            industry that demands innovation.