Monday, January 7, 2019

skills USA assignment

subject: SkillsUSA_CTSO service organization

standards & indicators:

4) Identify and analyze the career pathways in art and design professions and the industries in which art and design professionals work.

description of activity: An overview of Skills USA and service organizations.

objectives: The student will understand the purpose of service organizations, particularly student service organizations connected to CTE courses.

In our class, we have a student organization. This club is called a Career and Technical Student Organizations or CTSO. One of the organizations is SkillsUSA. It is an international organization of around 300,000 students like you, teachers, and businesses, all dedicated to developing a highly skilled American workforce.

The organization was actually founded in Nashville in 1965.

So what exactly is SkillsUSA and what is this club all about?
Here's how we will find out:

Click on About 
then, go to Who We Are and click on Learn more about SkillsUSA
Under National Organization, select Overview of SkillsUSA

Watch What is SkillsUSA? and SkillsUSA in 30 seconds

1. Read the first paragraph. In your own words, what is the mission of Skills USA?

There are also contests and competitions for SkillsUSA members. These take place all across the state and would involve missing a few days of school (SRA's) if you competed. I know that is bad news, but true.

2. Describe the competition in Arts and Communications

3. List 3 specific competition topics (graphic Communications is one, for example. 

SkillsUSA is also about community service. 
4. List five things you could do to be of service to your community, school, or this classroom.

Next week, we will discuss club membership, meetings and activities. So think about it. Do you want to take a field trip, visit businesses like advertising agencies, have meetings and bring in food? We'll talk next week.

5. What does CTSO stand for?

Answer sheet

Your name:_____________________________Block:_________________

CTSO_Career & Technical Student Organizations

1. Read the first paragraph. What is the mission of Skills USA?

2. Describe the competition in Arts and Communications

3. List 3 specific competition topics (graphic Communications is one, for example. 

4. List five things you could do to be of service to your community, school, or this classroom.

5. What does CTSO stand for?

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