Saturday, November 7, 2015

standards 6, 7 & 8_2015 elements and principles of design

class: Digital Arts and Design   

subject: Elements and principles of design

description of activity: Demonstrate knowledge and application of the elements and principles of design 


6) Categorize and describe the principles of design which affect 1) the internal relationships of a design, and 2) the design as a whole, citing examples of design principles found in art. a. Unity b. Contrast/Variety c. Hierarchy d. Dominance/Emphasis e. Proportion/Scale f. Balance g. Rhythm/Repetition (TN Reading 1, 2, 4; TN Visual Art 2.1; TN Visual Art History 2.1) 

7) Analyze the elements of design by evaluating their purposes and applications in a variety of design applications. a. Line b. Shape/Form c. Space/Size/Stability d. Value e. Color f. Texture g. Typography For example, label and explain the elements of design in a given book cover compared with a billboard. (TN Reading 4, 7; TN Writing 9; TN Visual Art 2.1; TN Visual Art History 2.1) 

8) Research rules of composition (such as the rule of thirds) and explain how the rules govern the elements and principles of design. Write persuasively to describe the properties of a strong composition by providing examples and counterexamples and citing evidence from informational texts. (TN Reading 1, 2, 4, 5; TN Writing 1, 4, 9; TN Visual Art 2.2) 

objectives (what I want you to know or do)
1. Define and illustrate the elements and principles of design
2. Explain inwriting how rules of composition govern design applied to a work of art.

the assignment (instructions, specifications and criteria): 

Go to these links for definitions and information:

The assignment

Part 1:

Go to this link:
On paper, write down all the art elements and principle of design. Beside the word, draw an illustration of  the meaning of the word.
For space, illustrate positive and negative space.

Part 2. 
Create a Photoshop illustration that shows the meaning of certain art elements and principles of design. Pick 3 art elements plus these principles: Emphasis, movement, pattern. 
Tip: Use the Custom Shape Tool to illustrate the meaning of the elements and principles.

Click here for definitions

click here to download the template:


Sketchbooks and drawings (aka design/idea book)
Fill in the blank worksheets
One-on-one observation 

art mastery rubric

4_advanced_93-100 points.  A strong amount of work has been completed. All instructions & specifications met. A comprehensive and wide-ranging exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas, media experiments, and technical practice is demonstrated. The work reflects superior thought and imagination.

3_proficient_85-92 points.  A reasonable amount of work has been completed. Most instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates satisfactory exploration of visual qualities, and the representation of ideas. There is satisfactory evidence of work on images, media experiments, and technical practice.

2_basic_75-84 points. A small amount of work has been completed. Some instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates some exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas. There is some evidence of work on images, media experiments and technical practice.

1_below basic_74 and below. A less than adequate amount of work has been completed. There is little evidence of work on images, media, and technical practice.

50_No work attempted