Sunday, December 13, 2015

resizing a photo

You want to put this photo in the layout below,
but when you do..........

.........the photo is too big.

So, to make it smaller, click on the Move Tool 
and go to Edit>Free Transform.
Then go to View>Fit on Screen

Press and hold the Shift key, and drag inward from a corner 
until you have the size you want. 
Then, lift your finger from the mouse, 
and then lift your finger off the Shift key.

Note: To make an image larger, use the same process,
but drag outward from a corner.

Click on the check mark or the cancel button.
You could also press the return key on your keyboard.

You may need to rasterize this layer, so 
go to Layer>Rasterize>Layer (or Smart Object).