Saturday, February 23, 2013

elements & principles of design

When you are working on your computer, whatever you do should be connected to classwork. 

If you are listening with your headphones connected to your computer, you should be listening to a video tutorial.

If you are on a game site, or similar type site, you should be sketching for future assignments such as backgrounds for a game site or web site, CD cover design, etc. 

Electronic devices=Classwork

Today's class

Sketch for first 15 minutes of class. 

Line assignment

3. Students will integrate reading, writing, math, and science skills and understand the impact of academic achievement in the workplace.

4. Students will relate and apply artistic knowledge, skills, techniques, processes 
and strategies for the creation of design, photographic, web, print, and various 
digital projects.

6. Students will produce creative and artistically pleasing media for use in various applications for advertising, internet, film, entertainment, and marketing communications.

assignment objectives:

1. To read and follow directions.

2. To use the resources on this blog.

3. To use Photoshop to visually illustrate the meaning of art elements and principles of design.

Click here to read about the elements and principles of design:

Click for help with the brush tool and the foreground color picker:


Line_part 1

Line: an art element that may be two-dimensional (pencil on paper) or three-dimensional (wire or rope).

Create a new Photoshop document. Title it Yourname_line. For example, SteveCampbell_line.
Width: 10 inches
Height: 6 inches
Resolution: 100
Color Mode: RGB Color or Grayscale
Background Contents: White
Save into your folder. 

1. Make 9 different types of lines. Optional (Create a new layer for each line. You should have 9 layers.) Straight, curved, thick, thin, zig-zag, broken, dotted, etc.
2. Use the brush tool & pencil tool. Choose Basic Brushes.
3. Change sizes of lines and change the shade of lines (black, gray, light gray, etc.)
4. Type the word line and definition of line on one layer.

Note: You can erase and delete by using the eraser tool, by selecting an area and hitting delete, or by using a brush to paint over an area.

Line_part 2

Go here or to a copyright free clip art source you like.

Find an illustration you like.

Save (drag) it onto your desktop. 

Create a new document in Photoshop. 5 x 5 at 100 resolution should be about right. Save as YourName_Line_part2.

Drag the illustration into your Photoshop document. Resize if you need to.

In Photoshop, add a new layer on top of the one you just created.

Use the brush and pen tools to trace over and paint it in color. 

Join Edmodo t2vcql (last letter is l not 1). Watch video on Basic Brushes.

Turn the clip art layer on and off to see what you have done.

Assignment_Positive and Negative space


Space: an art element that indicates areas in a composition (positive and negative) and/or the feeling of depth in a two-dimensional work of art. 

   Positive space-the objects depicted in a work of art, as opposed to the background or area around the objects. 

   Negative space-the area around the objects in artwork, often called the background.  

Assignment: In Photoshop, using custom shapes, and only black & white,  create two documents that illustrate positive and negative space. You should create a composition that shows good use of both positive and negative space. 

1. Open Photoshop

2. File>New

Width: 8 inches
Height: 8 inches
Resolution: 100 pixels/inch
Color Mode: RGB Color
Background Contents: White
3. Click OK
4. Now, File>Save As...your first name.your last name.positive space.
Format: Photoshop
Where: Desktop 
5. Go to Window>Workspace>Essentials or Design
6. Press “D” on the keyboard for default colors. They are black & white.
7. Click on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
8. Click on the Custom Shape Tool.
9. Go to the document and click and drag. 
10. Go to the Paint Bucket Tool. It may be hidden beneath the Gradient Tool. 
If it is, click on the small triangle to select the Paint Bucket Tool. 
11. Fill the selection with black.
12. Go to Select>Deselect.
13. Go to the Move Tool. 
14. Look in the top Options Bar, right below the word “Photoshop”. 
Be sure that Auto Select Layer is checked.
15. Move the custom shape around.
16. Click on the New Layer icon to create a new layer.
17. Repeat steps 7 - 16 until you have created 5 -10 layers. Type Positive Space and the definition of positive space on the document

18. Now, File>Save As...your first name.your last name.negative space.
Format: Photoshop
Where: Desktop 
19. Go to the Magic Wand Tool.
20. Select all the black areas. (Hold down Shift as you click on them). Fill them with white.
21. Go to the background layer and fill it with black. 
Type Negative Space and the definition of negative space on the document
22. Close and drag both documents into your desktop folder. 


Value: an art element that refers to the lightness or darkness of a color or shade.

Assignment: In Photoshop, using only circles or rectangles, and only black & white, create a document that illustrates value. You should create a composition that shows 8-10 different value steps. 

1. Open Photoshop
2. File>New
Width: 8 inches
Height: 8 inches
Resolution: 100 pixels/inch
Color Mode: RGB Color
Background Contents: White
3. Click OK
4. Now, File>Save As...your first name.your last name.value.
Format: Photoshop
Where: Desktop 
5. Go to Window>Workspace>Essential or Design. Open the Swatches palette.
6. Press “D” on the keyboard for default colors. They are black & white.
7. Click on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
8. Click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool or the Elliptical Marquee Tool. 
9. Go to the document and click and drag. You will see marching ants.  
Remember: Hold down Shift and drag to make a square or a circle. 
10. Go to the Paint Bucket Tool. It may be hidden beneath the Gradient Tool. 
If it is, click on the small triangle to select the Paint Bucket Tool. 
11. Fill the selection with black.
12. Go to Select>Deselect.
13. Go to the Move Tool. 
14. Look in the top Options Bar, right below the word “Photoshop”. 
Be sure that Auto Select Layer is checked.
15. Move the rectangle or circle around.
16. Click on the New Layer  icon to create a new layer.
17. Repeat steps 7 - 16 until you have created 8 -10 layers. Add color (dark gray to light gray) to your selections using the value scale in the Swatches palette.
18. Close and drag the document into your desktop folder. 

Assignment_Contrast & Emphasis

Contrast: a principle of design that refers to differences in values, colors, textures, and other elements in artwork to achieve emphasis and interest. 

Emphasis: a principle of design by which the artist or designer may use opposing sizes or shapes, contrasting colors, or other means to place greater attention on certain areas or objects in a work of art. Emphasis is achieved by dominance and subordination, bright against dull, light on dark, large among small, etc. 

Assignment: In Photoshop, using only circles or rectangles, and only black & white, create a document that illustrates contrast & emphasis. You should create a composition that has 5-10 different layers. 

1. Open Photoshop
2. File>New
Width: 10 inches
Height: 6 inches
Resolution: 100 pixels/inch
Color Mode: RGB Color
Background Contents: White
3. Click OK
4. Now, File>Save As...your first name.your last name.contrast & emphasis.
Format: Photoshop
Where: Desktop 
5. Go to Window>Workspace>Design or Essentials. Open the Swatches palette if you want to.
6. Press “D” on the keyboard for default colors. They are black & white.
7. Click on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
8. Click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool or the Elliptical Marquee Tool. 
9. Go to the document and click and drag. You will see marching ants.  
Remember: Hold down Shift and drag to make a square or a circle. 
10. Go to the Paint Bucket Tool. It may be hidden beneath the Gradient Tool. 
If it is, click on the small triangle to select the Paint Bucket Tool. 
11. Fill the selection with black.
12. Go to Select>Deselect.
13. Go to the Move Tool. 
14. Look in the top Options Bar, right below the word “Photoshop”. 
Be sure that Auto Select Layer is checked.
15. Move the rectangle or circle around.
16. Click on the New Layer  icon to create a new layer.
17. Repeat steps 7 - 16 until you have created 5 -10 layers. 
18. Close and drag the document into your desktop folder. 


Movement: a principle of design that refers to the arrangement of parts in artwork to create a flow of the viewer’s eye through the repeated arrangement (pattern) of line, shape, color, texture or value; through the orderly positioning of objects; through contrasting positive and negative shapes; through contrasting sizes; or through gradation of colors and values. 

Assignment: In Photoshop, using only circles or rectangles, and only black & white, create a document that illustrates movement. You should create a composition that has 5-10 different layers. 

1. Open Photoshop
2. File>New
Width: 10 inches
Height: 5 inches
Resolution: 100 pixels/inch
Color Mode: RGB Color
Background Contents: White
3. Click OK
4. Now, File>Save As...your first name.your last name.movement  .
Format: Photoshop
Where: Desktop 
5. Go to Window>Workspace>Essentials or Design. Open the Swatches palette if you want to.
6. Press “D” on the keyboard for default colors. They are black & white.
7. Click on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
8. Click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool or the Elliptical Marquee Tool. 
9. Go to the document and click and drag. You will see marching ants.  
Remember: Hold down Shift and drag to make a square or a circle. 
10. Go to the Paint Bucket Tool. It may be hidden beneath the Gradient Tool. 
If it is, click on the small triangle to select the Paint Bucket Tool. 
11. Fill the selection with black.
12. Go to Select>Deselect.
13. Go to the Move Tool. 
14. Look in the top Options Bar, right below the word “Photoshop”. 
Be sure that Auto Select Layer is checked.
15. Move the rectangle or circle around.
16. Click on the New Layer  icon to create a new layer.
17. Repeat steps 7 - 16 until you have created 5 -10 layers. 
18. Close and drag the document into your desktop folder. 

Literacy Standard 1_color

Literacy Standard #1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 

I can find specific details and examples which support the main idea.
I can find evidence in the exact words of the reading.
I can draw my own conclusions about this evidence.

Read about primary and secondary color at this link:

Answer the following:

1. The primary colors are:
a. red, blue and green
b. red, blue and yellow
c. red, orange and purple
d. all of the above

2. Secondary colors are made by
a. adding water to the color blue
b. mixing two primary colors together
c. mixing white with a color

3. The secondary colors are
a. orange, green and violet
b. orange, green and brown
c. orange, green and grey
c. white, green and grey

4. Hue is 
a. a geometric form
b. the name of any color
c. a cartoon character from the 1930's
d. a good source of vitamin K

5. On a color wheel, complementary colors are
a. next door neighbors
b. direcly opposite one another
c. placed in the center
d. to be viewed with caution

Monday, February 18, 2013

feb 19-22

When you are working on your computer, whatever you do should be connected to classwork. 

If you are listening with your headphones connected to your computer, you should be listening to a video tutorial.

If you are on a game site, or similar type site, you should be sketching for future assignments such as backgrounds for a game site or web site, CD cover design, etc. 

Electronic devices=Classwork

Today's class

Safari_delete History

Sketch for first 15 minutes of class. 
Open bliptv.

Work on your logo design, using your initials
1. Final logo design sketch due today. Pick the Photoshop design you like best. Sketch it, adding your first and last name.
2. Next class, complete your final logo design in Photoshop, using your initials and your first and last name. Photoshop document should be 5 x 5, resolution of 300. 

EOC Vocabulary 



EOC Vocabulary 



Common Core 7

Analyze Various Accounts Of A Subject Told In Different Mediums (E.G., A Person’s Life Story In Both Print And Multimedia), Determining Which Details Are Emphasized In Each Account.

You should already have, named a person who we could use for this-Presidents, celebrities, villans, artists, sports figures......just be sure we can find multimedia, such as a movie clip and a written article. 

Next, read the assignment for LAW 7.

The assignments and assessments are due by February 20 and 21.

Homework_Set up a Gmail account so you can create a blog for your work.

Review Photoshop help

Work on your personal logo, using this link: