Friday, November 23, 2018

the i don't have anything TO DO list

The I don't have anything TO DO list

collage using magazines and paste

digital collage

just draw

draw and color

color printed pages with colored pencils

color digital image in Photoshop

read online

paper folding_google it

altered books


draw your name

sketch from online images

just doodle

2 D Design


Tuesday, November 20, 2018


A cowboy rode his horse into town on Sunday. He took a room at the hotel, slept most of the time, and he left two days later on Friday. How is it possible that he could leave two days after Sunday on Friday?

Finding the Answer

If you said it was not possible, you aren't thinking critically. Yes, Friday is six days after Sunday, not two days later. So the cowboy could not have left on the calendar day Friday. However, that didn't stop him from hopping on a horse named Friday and riding off.