Wednesday, February 27, 2019

March 4_photo assignments

There are two "read and respond on paper" activities today.

These can count a great deal toward taking you from a grade of 50 to passing for this 9 week period. 

Activity 1 is on the front of your handout.
Activity 2 is on the back. 

Activity 1

The Camera Doesn't Lie


Literacy assignment
“The Camera Doesn’t Lie”

Go to this link:

Read most of the article. You may skip:
“It’s not just about the dynamic range”
“A word on RAW files”

Respond in writing:

1. Who is the author of the text?

2. What is the main idea of the text?

3. List 3 details or phrases that support the main idea

4. What evidence or proof does the writer use to support the main idea? (At least one)

5. What part or parts are confusing and why?

6. List a word or words that you do not know.

7. Based on how the words are used in the text, what do you think they mean?

8. Now look up the definition. Were you correct, close,  or really off?

9. Write one test question if you were giving a test over this text.

Activity 2

Photography point of view

Read and answer questions on answer sheet

Name:                                                                                      Block:

Refer to the article , "Improve Your Composition by Changing Your Point of View" and answer the following:

1. List 7 ways you can change your point of view

2. What is a macro lens and what does it do differently from a normal lens?

3. When you "shoot tight", you __________________________ __________ ____________________ with the subject.

4. At  item 6. "Take Your Time", click on light paintingLight painting is an imaging technique that uses a ____________ ____________ ___________ to add light to an under-illuminated subject while taking a _____________________exposure photograph.

5. From Summary, list 5 questions to ask yourself before you take a photo.