Thursday, November 9, 2017

ACT words

2/20/18 Tuesday acknowledge v. to indicate the receipt of, as a message
2/21/18 Wednesday derive v. to obtain or determine by reasoning or inference; deduce
2/22/18 Thursday correspond v. to be in agreement or accordance; match (often followed by "with" or "to")
2/23/18 Friday subsequent adj. coming or happening after; following
2/26/18 Monday quality n. a distinguishing feature or inherent characteristic; property or trait
2/27/18 Tuesday characteristic n. a distinguishing quality
2/28/18 Wednesday alter v. to cause to change; to make different
3/1/18 Thursday severe adj. very plain; conservative; austere
3/2/18 Friday authentic adj. genuine; conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
3/5/18 Monday urge v. to advocate or demand earnestly or emphatically
3/6/18 Tuesday inclined adj. having a preference, disposition, or tendency
3/7/18 Wednesday foremost adj. most prominent in rank, importance, or position
3/8/18 Thursday universally adv. in all places and instances; with no exception.
3/9/18 Friday absolute adj. unquestionable; positive
3/12/18 Monday obtain v. to gain possession of; acquire
3/13/18 Tuesday utilize v. to put to a particular use; use
3/14/18 Wednesday concise adj. short and to the point; saying much in a few words
3/15/18 Thursday suffice v. to meet needs, goals, or the like adequately; be sufficient
3/19/18 Monday assemble v. to create by putting components or members together
3/20/18 Tuesday undermine v. to gradually, secretly, or imperceptibly weaken and destroy
3/21/18 Wednesday instructive adj. serving to inform or educate; informative; enlightening
3/22/18 Thursday diminish v. to decrease or cause to appear decreased in size, prestige, or importance
3/23/18 Friday suppress v. to keep from being published or disclosed
3/26/18 Monday emphasize v. to give greater strength or importance to; stress
3/27/18 Tuesday caption n. brief description accompanying an illustration
3/28/18 Wednesday depict v. to give a description of
3/29/18 Thursday intent n. the intended meaning of a communication

4/9/18 Monday demonstrate v. to show the validity of something, as by example or explanation
4/10/18 Tuesday integrate v. to make into a whole or make part of a whole
4/11/18 Wednesday inquire v. to conduct an investigation of
4/12/18 Thursday persuade v. to cause somebody to adopt a certain position or belief
4/13/18 Friday discern v. to recognize differences; discriminate
4/16/18 Monday issue n. a point or matter that is of concern, in question, or under discussion
4/17/18 Tuesday character n. the distinguishing qualities and attributes of a person, place, or thing
4/18/18 Wednesday imitate v. to reproduce someone's behavior or looks
4/19/18 Thursday hypocrisy n. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform
4/20/18 Friday irony n. incongruity between what might be expected and what occurs
4/23/18 Monday administer v. to bring into operation or use; implement.
4/24/18 Tuesday speculate v. to believe, especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
4/25/18 Wednesday isolate v. to set apart from others
4/26/18 Thursday contend v. to maintain or assert
4/27/18 Friday preclude v. to make impossible, especially beforehand
4/30/18 Monday code n. a set of rules or principles or laws
5/1/18 Tuesday equivalent n. a person or thing equal to another in value or measure
5/2/18 Wednesday invariably adv. without change, in every case
5/3/18 Thursday marginal adj. relating to or situated at the edge or margin of something
5/4/18 Friday irrelevant adj. having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
5/7/18 Monday significant adj. having meaning; meaningful
5/8/18 Tuesday relevant adj. having bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
5/9/18 Wednesday structure n. a complex entity made of many parts
5/10/18 Thursday discriminate v. to make accurate distinctions
5/11/18 Friday minor adj. being of lesser importance or seriousness than others of the same kind
5/14/18 Monday illustrate v. to clarify by giving an example of
5/15/18 Tuesday portray v. to depict in words
5/16/18 Wednesday frame v. to formulate in a particular style or language
5/17/18 Thursday conduct v. direct the course of; manage or control
5/18/18 Friday spatial adj. pertaining to the expanse in which things are located
5/24/18 Thursday succinct adj. briefly giving the gist of something
5/21/18 Monday procedure n. a particular course of action intended to achieve a result
5/22/18 Tuesday control n. a standard against which other conditions can be compared
5/23/18 Wednesday tactics n. actions or strategies carefully planned to achieve a specific end