Student Name:____________________________________________
Date:____________________ Observer:____Self Evaluation_____________
Work Based Learning Characteristics for Success Rubric
Professional Skills:
Not Observed
Attendance and Punctuality: Keeping appointments on time, and completes assignments on time. When absent, student makes up work in a prompt and respectful manner.
Always Consistently Usually Sometimes Never Not Observed
Personal Presentation: Exhibits professionalism in the areas of courtesy, appropriate language, and dress.
Always Consistently Usually Sometimes Never Not Observed
Communication: Reads with understanding, writes with skill, and communicates effectively and responsibly in a variety of ways and settings.
Always Consistently Usually Sometimes Never Not Observed
Interpersonal Effectiveness: Works effectively with others and contributes productively as a member of a group—works toward achieving individual and group goals.
Always Consistently Usually Sometimes Never Not Observed
Quality and Commitment: Gives best effort, evaluates work, and completes work to quality standards.
Always Consistently Usually Sometimes Never Not Observed
Ethics: Adheres to the ethical use of technology and other resources with regards to property, privacy, and appropriateness.
Always Consistently Usually Sometimes Never Not Observed
Total points:__________ Converted Percentage: Total x 3.33__________________________