Thursday, September 9, 2010

safety in this classroom

Safety in this class

1. Do not throw anything at any time. Even a sheet of paper or an eraser can cause an injury.

2. Use extreme caution when using X-acto knives, paper cutters, mat cutters, scissors, the tape dispenser, or any sharp instruments. Always cut away from your body, especially your hands.

When using X-acto knives for cutting at a drawing table, a piece of mat board, railroad board, or other similar substance should be placed between the item you are cutting and your wooden desktop.

Never take any tools or equipment outside the classroom. Many of these items may be considered weapons and could result in a zero-tolerance offense.

3. Never possess any item that can produce a flame. Never strike a match, lighter, or any other item that can produce a flame. Some materials such as rubber cement, are flammable and can cause fire.

4. When using spray products such as fixative, spray mount, etc., be sure that you do so in proper ventilation.

Inhaling the fumes of spray fixative, rubber cement, or rubber cement thinner could be toxic and hazardous to one's health and lead to respiratory problems.

5. Follow proper safety precautions when working around electrical equipment, outlets, cords, etc. Never make contact with an electrical device when any of your hands or any other body parts are wet.

6. Do not have any food, liquids, soft drinks, milk, etc., near a computer.

7. Do not run, push, shove, or engage in "horseplay" in the classroom.

8. Be sure that your seat is stable and that all its legs are in contact with the floor. Do not lean back in your seat.

9. Know the location of the fire extinguisher. In case of fire, leave the room calmly, turn right and exit the building. Assemble in the parking lot for attendance check.

10. Report any damaged equipment, broken equipment, accidents or any potential hazard to the classroom teacher immediately.

11. OSHA stands for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

12. Accidents or injuries occurring in the classroom should be reported to the instructor immediately.

Accidents require that an accident report be filed. Even a small scratch may seem minor but could become serious if left untreated.

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