Sunday, April 14, 2013

april 15-19

Electronic devices=classwork
No food and beverages during instructional time
SSA_one request, then referral

Work on line/tracing/painting assignments. Draw outlines and paint inside selections.

What I want you to know:
1. How to use the brush tool to trace over a photo
2. How to "paint" with the brush tool
3. How to use line and color to create emphasis

Line: A line is a path left by a moving point. A continuous mark on a surface.

Emphasis: a principle of design by which the artist or designer may use opposing sizes or shapes, contrasting colors, or other means to place greater attention on certain areas or objects in a work of art. Emphasis is achieved by dominance and subordination, bright against dull, light on dark, large among small, etc.

1. What category of brushes are we using in this assignment?
2. What is the suggested size for the brush you use for tracing?
3. What is the suggested size for the brush you use for painting?
4. How do you control the flow of the airbrush when painting?
5. How can line and color create emphasis?


Edmodo: Photoshop group
