Saturday, April 8, 2017

2017 parthenon poster_PBL

1. Download the photo from the link above

2. Open it in Photoshop

3. Save it to your documents folder

Then, add at least 5 quotes........

“An ultimate collision between several heavenly forces.” Javon Serology

“Inspirational.” Will Morgan

“An epic work of beauty and intricacy. Grace and power captured in stone.” Emily Nidiffer

“Gold glinted off her shield and into her eye.” Olivia Whitney 

“You can take history and turn it to stone.” Alexandra Richard

"She is Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy." Virginia Wilson-Patton

"You feel small, power, and authority." Ellie Smith

"The angle is spectacular. The sun gleams through the windows, causing the gold to glow." Ezri Wade

"I felt naked in her gaze." Christopher McNnane