Saturday, February 10, 2018

digital collage

The assignment

Create a digital collage using at least 4 images cut from their background

Title: Your name_digital collage 1
Width: 17 inches
Height: 10 inches
Resolution: 100

80 degrees next week.......SSA

Clean up your food, please

Progress reports

If you have a 50, your grade is probably much less. Some actual grades are as low as 18. Your grade for the 9 weeks remains an 18. 

What I want you to know or do:
1. Open and save a Photoshop document
2. Use Photoshop tools correctly
  • Move Tool
  • Free transform in proportion (press and hold shift while dragging from the corner of an image)
  • Magic Eraser Tool
3. Create a digital collage that has good composition

20) Demonstrate basic procedures to manage digital files. 
23) Apply the design process to complete projects of increasing complexity and of varying applications such as print, web, film, and marketing communications.

The assignment

Create a digital collage using at least 4 images cut from their background

Title: Your name_digital collage 1
Width: 17 inches
Height: 10 inches
Resolution: 100