Monday, July 1, 2019

classroom visits august 2019

from week of aug 12-16

Classroom Visits:

This past week we started on informal classroom visits.  For the first month, we are focusing on what students are being asked to do at the start of the class period.  Specifically, are students being greeted at the door, have a process to be ready when the bell rings, and do they have an opportunity to recall what they did the previous class period and do they know what they are being asked to do for the current class period.  Admin visited 29 classrooms and so far the results are very positive.  See below for the results:

·        The teacher communicated the standards and objectives to the class.  (Y-23, N-6)

·        The teacher made a connection to prior learning (Y-25, N-4)

·        The teacher was at the door greeting students before the start of class (Y-25, N-4)

·        The teacher took attendance and had all tardy students sign in (Y-27, N-2)